Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Story Tellin' Soul and A Blank Slate

So, there are these dear ones who often read my lengthy Facebook posts, like all the way to the end, and have asked incessantly that I write a book. Bless their hearts for believing in this word-lovin' girl with a tendency to ramble about all things. These friends know who they are, every last three of them, maybe four. I never claimed it was a large following. They might be few in number, but they are such encouragers, even if auto-correct says encouragers isn't a word, it is to me and I'm going with it.

 You've surely noticed this isn't an actual book or even an ezine, but it's a start. It's a new blog, with a new name; my name. When I chose it, we'd just returned home from church camp with dirty bunkhouse laundry that beckoned me to narrow it down already and get to washin'! So, narrow down I did. That's the poetic way in which this blog was born.  I plan to transfer all of my sappy posts from Cottage Appeal and keep it for my decorating, wedding, and special events posts.

I look forward to sharing with you!

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